Thursday, 28 August 2008

what a busy days. lol

what a fcuk busy days ! 
im getting busy wif holidays stuff ! 
well, it doesn't mean im not happy wif TEACHERS' kindess [hey, can i call that?] but i can't go online for long time. im getting busy lately xp 
i'm sorry for not updating and i won't update blog for myb 3 days later. 
bye bye . 
oh yeahh . happy bday to devi nd abe . nd happy anniversary to abe and icha ! :3 

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

ninth grader

arrghh. gila! gak tau kenapa.. sejak gw kelas 9, kayanya semangat belajar gw ngedrop abis. baru liat buku 3 menit ajah udah males banget. ga niat..
ahh ahh ! pengennya internetan mulu, bukan salah gw juga sih, salah speedy kenapa ngasih gratisan. hehe.
besok ulangan fisika. dan sekarang gw belom belajar. at least gw dah belajar itungannya di tempat les. tapi teorinya itulohh, malay abis..
kayaknya gw perlu something yang bisa bikin gw jadi semangat belajar lagi nih! tapi apa ya.. gw jg bingung..
biasa sih gw jd semangat lagi kalo udah liat temen-temen sekelas gw nilainya pada bagus-bagus sedangkan gw jelek sendiri. nah itu yang bkin gw kesel dan akhirnya jadi giat belajar. haha.

belom lagi gw kudu susulan-susulan gara-gara dispen! argh. emang kadang enak sih dispen teh. tapi bayangin! gara-gara dispen juga, gw ngasal banget ngisi ulangan sunda!! arghh! bete dah gw.
tapi untunglah, sekarang ini nd mudah2an seterusnya, dah ga ada acara-acara yang mengharuskan gw dispen lagi.

tadi, gw baru balik dr sekolah jam stgh 4an. gara-gara foto buat keperluan ujian. duh gila dah! gw nunggu di sekolah dr jam 1 sampe jam stgh 4 cuma buat sekali jepret! what the fuck banget sih. sial banget gw masuk kelas 9F. dah mah kalo conference duduk paling pinggir, trus kalo lagi macem2 gini nih, dah paling terakhir. arrghh.
kadang-kadang gw berpikir, kenapa ya gw ga dimasukkin ke kelas 9B ajah? (maunya..hehee)

ah! mau gimana juga. gw kudu mesti harus rajin belajar supaya nilai ulangan bagus. soalnya kalo nilai ulangan gw jelek mulu, nyokap bakal ngoceh : 'kamu sih pacaran mulu!'
percaya ngga percaya, gw ngedrop banget kalo dibilang gitu. takut disuru putus or takut pelajaran keteteran gara-gara pacaran.

dah ah. mau belajar dulu.. bye bye blog!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

my Lord. my Everything.

God knows,
what you need. what i need. what we need the most.
God gives us the bests. not the worsts.
He gives us more than we can ask..
or we can imagine..
but, we, never satisfy for what He's already given to us..
we don't thank HIM for what we've had..
and sometimes we don't realize how much and how big is His blessings..
He gives us health, so that we can do our works..
He gives us chances, so that we can get jobs, can study..
He bless us.. so that we can love each other, can be loved by the person that we love..
and i wanna thank GOD. before it's too late..
i wanna thank GOD for what He has given to me..
everything was amazing..
family, friends, love, and all the things i have now..
is because you..
i'm exist, it's because of YOU.
no one like YOU.
thanks GOD. for the love.
for the blessings. and for the chances..
i'm very blessed.
you give me friends to share, and love to spread.

Thursday, 14 August 2008


i love my life :D

everydays with you are like days in heaven. :P:P
LOL. thanks God, i'm having him

Saturday, 9 August 2008


i'm currently missing you so much boy.

And I Love You So - Emi Fujita

And I love you so
The people ask me how
How i've lived till now
I tell them I don't know

I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand

And, yes, I know how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down
Now that you're around me

And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do

The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but love is dead
That is my belief

And yes, i know how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down
Now that you're around me

And I love you so
The people ask me how
How i've lived till now
I tell them i don't know

i'll sing it just for you..
to make you believe me.

iLOVEyouuuuuu more than i can say. mwachiee xP

my second posting.

mau ngeralat postingan yang tadi.. and i'm so lucky because of having you.
tadi ke GOR. nonton final basket smp cowo. menangg !!
sneng bangeeet. ga sia2 teriak2. dan tiket masuk yang mahal. 3x lipet dr harga biasa gituloh.
gak apa2 dehh. ga sia2 pokonya.
my bf was sooooooooooooooo cool. :P:P
jadi makin cintaaa. huahahaha.

28-20 lawan 18. supporter rp dikit. cz pada ga bsa soalnya kesorean.

monik jadian ama nael !!
devina jadian ama gida !!
waa.. anak basket udah pada taken ! ahaha.
cuma beberapa doang yang belom.

thx GOD. rp menang! seneng banget!
sampe jingkrak2. *akhirnya, sendal jepit gue pegat dengan sukses :(*

gak apa2 deh..
demi cinta. alaah. :P:P

congratz yah buat naeljanda ama devigida. hihi. mudah2an langgeng. :D:D

ichaaaa. ciee ciee. cium pipi lagi dong ! ahhaah.

kemaren nd hari ini hari yang indah banget deeeeh.
banget banget banget.

mudah2an besok lebih indah dr hari ini. tapi besok ga bisa ketemu dia nii. hixhix. miss you so bad, om ! hhihi.

i'm sorry

i thought it would be nice.
but once again, i'm wrong.

i'm sorry. i know i can't have all that i wish for..
i'm sorry for asking u to be perfect. to be always with me. .
i'm sorry.

Friday, 8 August 2008

080808. officially yours.

Thanks GOD for giving him to me..
He's my greatest gift..

Thanks GOD for making me believe..
that i still have him..
the one who makes me smile.
the one who loves me in any conditions..
the one who still waits me, when i was leaving for another..

Thanks GOD for giving me a faith..
a faith that makes me believe. i'll be happy with him..
he'll never disappointed me..

i love i'll try to love you forever.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

about loving you

in every sentence. there must be words.
in every life. there must be love.

it's not about how to insist people to love you. or to insist your special one to feel the same way with you. it's how about to tell and go. to give him a freedom.
if you love him, want him to be yours, it's not love. because love is about freedom.

like a relationship, we start it, and we must realize, sometime it will end. in other word, we won't be together forever. there must be a time that we have to leave or he has to leave. we shall not regret it or be sad of it.
it's a destiny. we must accept it with an openhearted. we don't need to find out how to change the destiny, or to make our love lasts forever. all we have to do, is to prepare ourselves, to be ready. so then, if the destiny take us to the end, we will be sincere.

LOVE isn't just a game. it isn't about lose and win. it isn't just about if you win, you'll get her/him. and if you lose, you'll get nothing. LOVE IS ABOUT DEFEND.

LOVE is a task. LOVE is something that coloring our life. bittersweet, sweet, tears, laugh..
LOVE can makes your heart feel the real happiness, but it can let you down.
don't ever cry for LOVE. because LOVE never gives you SADNESS. it's you who invite the sadness come to you. love brings you down but never let your heart be broken.

>>special for MEILISA.
hey girl, your life isn't just about LOVE..don't be sad for what has happened. :D

Friday, 1 August 2008

welcoming august!

long timeeeeeeeeeeee no seeeee. i really miss my blog. lol.
well, so much GOOD THINGS i have to tell.
firstly, my new class is not bad lorh. well, 8B's still better than 9F. *really miss my 8B classmates. huhu.

and really, my boy is totally great. hahha. he makes me happy for this several weeks or days.

and guys, today's 1st august. I REALLY LOVE TODAY.
really really love. hihi.
i took my guitar course, and i decided to take another music course again. and my choice is violin! well i must ask my dad first. if he allows me, i'm gonna learn violin soon. yippie.